This is the Cookie Po
licy, ac cessible fr om Web siteWhat Are Cookies
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ny ot her pr ofessional we bsites do it we ll; th is we bsite us es co okies. Th ose sm all fi les th at get do wnloaded on to yo ur co mputer. To en hance yo ur br owsing ex perience he re! He re's a ru ndown of wh at in formation th ey co llect. How we ma ke use of it and why so metimes its ne cessary to ke ep th em st ored in yo ur de vice me mory ba nk. We 'll al so sh ow you how you can ch oose not to ha ve th ose co okies sa ved; th ough be aw are th at th is mi ght re sult in so me fe atures of the si te not fu nctioning !How We Use Cookies
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ploy co okies, for pu rposes ou tlined be low. Of ten th ere are no un iversally ac cepted me thods to tu rn off co okies wi thout lo sing so me si te fu nctionality and be nefits th ey of fer he re He nce it is ad visable to ke ep all co okies en abled un less yo u're un certain, ab out th eir ne cessity as th ey mi ght be ut ilized to su pport a se rvice you ut ilize.Disabling Cookies
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ve the op tion to av oid co okies be ing set by ma king ad justments, in yo ur br owser se ttings; re fer to yo ur br owsers He lp se ction for gu idance, on th is pr ocess. Ke ep in mi nd th at de activating co okies may im pact how th is we bsite and ot hers you vi sit op erate as it co uld di sable fu nctions and fe atures of the si te it self. For th is re ason it is ad visable not to tu rn off co okies.Account re
lated cookiesWhen you si
gn up wi th us we wi ll ut ilize co okies to fa cilitate the re gistration pr ocess and ha ndle ta sks, in ge neral on our we bsite or pl atform. Th ese co okies are no rmally cl eared on ce you log ou t. Th ere are in stances wh ere th ey mi ght pe rsist to st ore yo ur si te pr eferences af ter lo gging ou t.Login re
lated cookiesWhen yo
u're lo gged in we use co okies to re member th is in formation sa ving you fr om the ha ssle of lo gging in ea ch ti me you mo ve to a pa ge or se ction of the si te.Email ne
wsletters re lated cookiesThis we
bsite pr ovides ne wsletter or em ail su bscription se rvices. May use co okies to re member if you ha ve al ready si gned up and wh ether to di splay no tifications th at are re levant on ly to su bscribed or un subscribed us ers.Orders pr
ocessing re lated cookiesThis si
te of fers e- commerce or pa yment fa cilities and so me co okies are es sential to en sure th at yo ur or der is re membered be tween pa ges so th at we can pr ocess it properly.Surveys re
lated cookiesOccasionally we co
nduct su rveys and qu estionnaires to of fer you in sights and to ols or ga in an un derstanding of our us er co mmunitys pr eferences and ne eds.Forms re
lated cookiesWhen you su
bmit da ta to th rough a fo rm su ch as th ose fo und on co ntact pa ges or co mment fo rms co okies may be set to re member yo ur us er de tails for fu ture correspondence.Site pr
eferences cookiesTo en
hance yo ur ex perience on th is we bsite we of fer the op tion to cu stomize how the si te fu nctions ac cording to yo ur pr eferences. To sa ve yo ur pr eferences for vi sits we use co okies to st ore th is da ta and ap ply it wh enever yo ur in teractions, wi th a pa ge are in fluenced by yo ur ch oices.Third Pa
rty CookiesIn so
me sp ecial ca ses we al so use co okies pr ovided by tr usted th ird pa rties. The fo llowing se ction de tails wh ich th ird pa rty co okies you mi ght en counter th rough th is site.This we
bsite ut ilizes Go ogle An alytics, an re liable an alytics to ol on line to he lp us ga in in sights in to yo ur us age of the si te and id entify wa ys to en hance yo ur ex perience he re Th is in formation may in clude tr acking yo ur ti me sp ent on the si te and the pa ges you vi sit en abling us to cr eate mo re in teresting wy jpyfcgxgw for yo u.For mo
re in formation on Go ogle An alytics co okies, see the of ficial Go ogle An alytics page.When we se
ll pr oducts it 's cr ucial for us to ha ve in sights, in to the st atistics re garding the co nversion ra te of our si te vi sitors, in to bu yers. Th ats the ty pe of in formation th ese co okies wi ll ga ther for us. Th is da ta ho lds si gnificance be cause it en ables us to ma ke bu siness fo recasts, wh ich he lp us ov ersee our ma rketing st rategies and pr oduct ex penses to of fer the co mpetitive pr ices po ssible.More Information
I ho
pe th at ex planation he lped you un derstand be tter and as me ntioned ea rlier if yo u're un sure, ab out ne eding so mething, its us ually be st to ke ep co okies on in ca se th ey af fect any fe atures you use on our we bsite.However if you are st
ill lo oking for mo re in formation th en you can co ntact us th rough one of our pr eferred co ntact methods:Please no
te th at our we bsite pr ovides ga mes, for en tertainment pu rposes on ly us ing vi rtual in ga me cr edits wi thout any op portunity to win re al mo ney or pr izes/gifts in volved in the ga meplay ex perience of fered he re is st rictly re served for in dividuals ag ed 18 and ab ove as a fo rm of re creational ac tivity and do es not im ply fu ture su ccess, in ga mbling wi th re al mo ney in volved.We use cookies on our si te to im prove yo ur br owsing ex perience, an alyze si te tr affic, and pe rsonalize co ntent. By cl icking on the "A ccept" bu tton, you ag ree to the use of all cookies.